Is a website a good investment or a waste of money? – PART 2

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that simple because it really comes down to how well your website is made and then how you use it.

Most businesses want a website to increase sales, alternatively one could do this through self-promotion or advertising but more often than not, we are too busy to get around to this so we need help and the logical step is to hire a sales rep to do our selling for us.

So we have dealt with steps 1 through 4 (if you haven’t, then stop now and head over there first, it will make much more sense), so let’s continue and view steps 5 – 8.

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Step 5: Ongoing re-education of your rep
  • Rep: ongoing training about products, trends, laws and industry.
  • Website: update content, refresh product information, new photos and videos, keep it fresh, add news.
Step 6: Keeping your rep in touch with clients
  • Rep: reps would visit clients, do telesales, wish them on their birthday, etc.
  • Website: send out newsletters, wish them on their bdays, connect with social media, market specials.
Step 7: Getting your rep in front of new clients
  • Rep: meeting new clients and exposing them to the brand, the business and the products and services.
  • Website: using online marketing products to target new clients, to introduce them to your business, products, services and specials.
Step 8: Supporting your rep
  • Rep: giving your rep the necessary marketing material, business cards, vehicle signage, brochures, uniforms, etc so that they have everything they need to make the sale.
  • Website: promoting your site on social media, in your complimentary marketing material, running competitions, and online advertising .

So hopefully you can see that the potential for a website is massive.

Its greatest downfall is unfortunately that a lot never get a chance to reach it.
A website, like most marketing methods, is a tool, not a solution, you need to use it to unlock its benefits.

Obviously, not all businesses are in a position to make this kind of commitment to get their website to champion status. For these businesses, there are many fewer committing options to help.

But if you are indeed in the position to make this kind of commitment or you would like to be, then I would love to help you to get your website performing like the champion it can be.

Your branding is about to get supercharged!


Build brand recognition


Build credibility and trust


Stand out


Enhance customer loyalty


Define your business


Attract new customers

Your logo
is your

Your logo is often the first lasting impression your business gives, get this wrong and you are fighting an uphill battle from the start.

We don’t want that for your business.


Social Media Marketing


Logo Design

Graphic Design

Email Marketing
